
there is an extensive and complex energy system that flows throughout the human body. 

When this stream flows freely, the body is in balance and feels well.  Interruptions and blockages in this energy stream causes stagnation, illness, dis-ease and discomfort. 

acu-wellness is a technique that assists the energy to flow freely and restore balance to the body.

"Where there is no movement, there is pain. Where there is movement, there is no pain."

Traditional Chinese Saying

considered a tool of self-healing

acuwellness is a great way to reduce tension surrounding the therapeutic process, helping one realize the infinite resources within.

Unprocessed traumatic memories can become sticking points that cause our mental and physical processes to malfunction. Our bodies encode cellular memory of past trauma creating an imprint in our cells and nervous system.

Through the placement 5 acupuncture needles in each ear, AcuWellness stimulates the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart and parasympathetic nervous system.

Used in trauma recovery, this technique aids the body in moving and releasing toxins (environmental, psychological, emotional, physical) and invites the body to return to its natural state of ease. 

*acuwellness can also assist in the detoxification of drugs and alcohol and can be helpful in the removal of the residual effects of pharmaceuticals.

* When used in conjunction with sound therapy, Breathwork or meditation, AcuWellness compliments and assists with the internal movement of energy generated from the vibratory impact of the gong, singing bowls + breathing practices. This allows stuck, stagnant or stored material to be flushed from the body.